About Euphorbiaceae Database!

Vernicia fordii

Euphorbiaceae, the seventh largest family of angiosperms, has attracted much attention as an energy plant, with 218 genera and about 6,745 species. We have developed Euphorbiaceae comprehensive genomics database (EupDB), which provides a valuable resource and an important platform for basic and applied research on Euphorbiaceae plants.

Vernicia montana

The database integrates 20 genomes of 13 species (Euphorbia lathyris, Hevea brasiliensis, Jatropha curcas, Manihot esculenta, Vernicia montana, Triadica sebifera, Speranskia yunnanensis, Mercurialis annua, Euphorbia tirucalli, Euphorbia peplus, Excoecaria agallocha, Ricinus communis and Vernicia fordii), and collects 1004 paired-end RNA-seq (including different tissues and stress treatment conditions), 708 miRNA sequences, and 19 Euphorbiaceae hot pathway maps.

EupDB provides some common genomics analysis and search tools for user, including BLAST, Jbrowse, GO/KEGG enrichment, expression heat map, miRNA target prediction, variant information related key agronomic traits, LDheatmap, syntenic gene and structure, orthologous groups, PPI network and pathway map, etc.

See Tutorial and Case Study page for more help.

Quick Tools

Expression Heatmap

    Find differentially expressed genes

miRNA Target Prediction

    Predict target that you interested

DNA methylation

    Find DNA methylation positon

PPI Network

    Find protein interaction


    Look for variation sites


    Find related agricultural traits

Systenic Gene

    Identifying homologous blocks genome-wide

Orthologous Groups

    Search homologous sequences

Lastest News

  • Euphorbiaceae Database v1.0 is online.  08/09/2022

Contact us


Jiazhi Liu: liujiazhi@xtbg.ac.cn

Yan Li: liyan@xtbg.ac.cn

Changning Liu: liuchangning@xtbg.ac.cn


Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Liu, J., Li, Y., Li, J., Chen, W., Pan, B., Liu, A., Xu, Z. F., Xu, W., & Liu, C. (2024). EupDB: An integrative and comprehensive functional genomics data hub for Euphorbiaceae plants. Plant communications, 5(1), 100683. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xplc.2023.100683